Series |
Eurasian Studies
Edited book | Ca’ Foscari, Venice and the Balkans
Chapter | Alcune tendenze identitarie nell’Albania postmoderna
The different identity manifestations evolving in the Albanian society can be described through an anthropological analysis. More specifically, some examples that are manifested in a border area of the south, the one bordering Greece area, will be taken into account. The aim is to analyse these representations in view of the phenomenon of postmodernity, where political and cultural shattering and deregulation of the local communities lead (or lead back) to the emergence of new identitary self-perceptions that contrast with the precedent model, in order to bring out the inclusive and exclusive characteristics of the new shapes of cultural identities.
Submitted: July 13, 2016 | Language: it
Keywords Postmodernity • Albanity • Ethnic identity
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