Bibliotheca Trimalchionis Tertia

Studi filologici e letterari sull’Asia e sull’Africa
  • ISSN 3034-9486
  • e-ISSN 3034-9095
  • Language en
Aims & Scope

Tres bibliothecas habeo, unam Graecam, alteram Latinam. Thus, in the Satyricon, Trimalchio addresses the rhetorician Agamemnon, without mentioning the language(s) of the works contained in his third library. According to the possible interpretation of this passage, this library might have been ‘oriental’, but Trimalchio – who came from the Eastern part of the Empire – avoided mentioning it because of his inferiority complex towards the dominant Greco-Roman culture of his time. In line with this memory, the Bibliotheca Trimalchionis Tertia is meant to valorize non-Western cultural and literary traditions, collecting studies that will be innovative not only in terms of content but also in their contribution to elaborating a critical-textual methodology in constructive dialogue with that of the classical philological tradition. The series will host critical editions of texts, from antiquity to the beginning of the modern era, and historical-literary and linguistic studies in the form of monographs and collective volumes, concerning Arabic, Aramaic, Armenian, Chinese, Coptic, Hebrew, Georgian, Japanese, Judeo-Arabic and Judeo-Persian, Persian, Semitic languages of Ethiopia, Syriac and Turkish.

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