Series | Lexis Supplements
Volume 11 | Edited book | METra 1

METra 1

Epic and Greek Tragedy: A Mapping
open access | peer reviewed
    edited by
  • Andrea Rodighiero - Università degli Studi di Verona, Italia - email
  • Giacomo Scavello - Utrecht University, Netherlands - email
  • Anna Maganuco - Università degli Studi di Verona, Italia - email

Aims & Scope
The volume collects the contributions presented at the international workshop METra(Mapping Epic in Tragedy – Epica e tragedia greca: una mappatura), held at the University of Verona in May 2021. The aim of these Proceedings is to investigate the rich legacy of archaic Greek Epic (primarily Homer) inherited by Attic Tragedy. All essays focus on this topic both from a variety of perspectives and from a multidisciplinary standpoint, ranging from linguistic, metrical, and philological exegesis to literary, stylistic, and dramaturgical interpretations, as well as from anthropological and religious approaches to the cultural and intellectual history of archaic and classical Greece. Although inevitably partial, this volume provides a multifaceted mapping of the fertile, constant, and innovative reinterpretations of epic poetry offered by the tragedians of the 5th century BC.

Keywords Nausicaa or The Washerwomen Clytemnestra Euripides Supplication Ethical characterisation Laundry Deianeira Tragic formularity Stesichorus Human Irony Odysseus τις-Rede Gerion Mother Homeric boast Orestes Agamemnon Odyssey Fragments Oresteia Sophocles Veiled figures Epic antecedents Aeschylus Electra Love Trachiniae Aegisthus Rhetoric Greek Tragedy Divine Pain Prayer Hector Hecuba Euryalus Ajax Libation Bearers Death Type-scenes Callirrhoe Greek Epic Hermes Khthonios Tecmessa Penelope Prostrated characters Homer Tears

Permalink | ISBN (PRINT) 978-886-969-655-8 | e-ISSN 978-886-969-654-1 | Number of pages 232 | Dimensions 16x23cm | Published Dec. 14, 2022 | Language es, it, en


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