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Chapter | Las palabras en el fútbol femenino peruano
The objective of this chapter is to study the words that make women’s football visible in Peru. Most of the news in the press and on social media concerns men’s football; however, the same lexicon is frequently used in the women’s sector, reflecting the development of the game in which women participate and demonstrating the egalitarian lexical acceptability beyond terminological stereotypes. This research aims to document the terms used to refer to women’s football, emphasising that the language of football is not exclusively a male domain. First, we describe the emergence of the adjective feminine as a way of marking the type of football (liga femenina, campeonato femenino, fútbol femenino), which seeks, in a sense, to differentiate the activities of men and women. Next, the vocabulary referring to positions (arquera, delantera), general feminine references (chicas, jugadoras, campeonas), and local and national teams (leonas, cremas, peruanas) is identified. This study highlights the lexicon and syntax in words and phrases that represent the women’s game, providing a synchronic sample of Peruvian Spanish as it relates to this area. The findings contribute to a deeper appreciation of the lexicological richness and offer insights into lexicographical treatments in football glossaries and dictionaries.
Submitted: Sept. 14, 2024 | Accepted: Sept. 23, 2024 | Published Dec. 10, 2024 | Language: es
Keywords Woman • Peru • Lexicon • Soccer • Syntax
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