Journal | Lagoonscapes
Monographic journal issue | 3 | 2 | 2023

Swimming Against the Tide

open access | peer reviewed
    edited by
  • Natalie King - The University of Melbourne, Australia - email
  • Francesca Tarocco - Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia - email

This issue of Lagoonscapes binds thinkers, scholars, artists, activists, policymakers and curators from Venice and the Pacific in a holistic way, in dialogue and with converging views and vantage points, discussing human/non-human relationships, cross-disciplinary dialogues and ancestral epistemologies. First-hand knowledge and experiences shift the perspective from rigid academic and institutional structures to personal ruminations on the injuries of colonisation. One of the aims of this special issue of Lagoonscapes is to decentralise and provincialise such ‘Man-as-human’ as the subject/object of inquiry, and thus counter and reframe established geographies, histories and temporalities.

Keywords IndigenousClimate crisisFirst NationsSustainabilityHydrocommonsMelbourne MuseumPacific islandsMuseumsLa Biennale di VeneziaExhibitionNew GuineaPacificWater beingsPātaka Art+MuseumPacific studiesExhibition-makingMilitarisationFaʻafafinePaul GauginParadise CampClimate actionSmall islands ecologiesArchivesExperimental pedagogiesCosmologyDocumentaryInfrastructureSeaFilm IndigeounusTidalectic curatorial practicesYuki KiharaMultimedia exhibitionPetrit HalilajHydro-theologyJim VivieaereQueer ecologiesPeggy GuggenheimMaterialityE Ho’omanu no MoananuiākeaExhibitionsTsunamisSamoaProject BanabaClimate ChangeResistanceAlvaro UrbanoWinnipeg Art GalleryContemporary artTalanoaNaadohbii: To Draw WaterVeniceCommunity outreachFrench PolynesiaGender StudiesHawai‘i Triennale The Pacific CenturyCuratorial activismThe Great JourneyPan-Austro-NesianNuclear testingKaohsiung Museum of Fine Art TaiwanBottled OceanEtel AdnanWay-findingEcologies of careGenderOceaniaDecolonisation

Permalink | Published Dec. 22, 2023 | Language en

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