RIDAO East-Asian Law Journal

RIDAO East-Asian Law Journal

open access | peer reviewed

Aims & Scope
Recent years have witnessed a great development of East Asian studies in Italy (China and Japan above all, but also Korea, Vietnam and other South East Asian nations) in a plurality of fields. The study of the law of these countries, for a long time carried out by a small group of specialists, is finding more and more space and interest in the academy, but also in the professional world. As things stand at present, however, there is a lack of a 'place' where scholars can channel their research: area journals are traditionally far removed from law, while law journals are guilty of a certain closure towards countries perceived in a vaguely Orientalist manner as distant or exotic. The Rivista di Diritto dell’Asia Orientale (RIDAO) intends to fill this gap, providing space for research that can combine solid expertise in law with the knowledge and cultural respect proper to area studies. The Review's scientific committee is composed of recognised Italian and foreign experts, whose expertise covers various geographical areas and research topics (civil law, commercial law, dispute resolution, etc.). It brings together scholars representing the various academic schools that have developed in Italy in recent decades. The Journal, which is planned to be published annually, intends to comply with the strictest standards of academic excellence in the selection and evaluation of contributions, which will mainly include in-depth scientific and doctrinal essays, but also short articles, case notes, and translations of legislative and administrative documents from the countries under consideration, and reviews of volumes and monographs. The contributions will be published in Italian or English.

Permalink http://doi.org/10.30687/RIDAO/4713-223X | Periodicity annual | Language en, it

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