Journal | Axon
Journal issue | 6 | 1 | 2022
Research Article | Dedication from Phthiotis Thebes
The dedication comes from Phthiotic Thebes and consists in a marble relief representing two braids, with an inscription naming the two offerers, Philombrotos and Aphthonetos, brothers who made the dedication for Poseidon. This god had a very considerable role in Thessaly, linked to the adolescence and to the child’s growth. The choice to create and offer a relief representing the gift of the two brothers (real hair) aims to make their votive dedication, otherwise really perishable, long lasting.
Submitted: Feb. 8, 2022 | Accepted: April 20, 2022 | Published June 20, 2022 | Language: it
Keywords Phthiotic Thebes • Poseidon • Votive dedication • Brothers • Hair‑offering
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