Archivio d’Annunzio Rivista di Studi comparati

Journal | Archivio d’Annunzio
Journal issue | 2 | 2015
Research Article | Ombra, figura, allegoria nel Fuoco

Ombra, figura, allegoria nel Fuoco


The narrative function of Foscarina’s character is analyzed starting from the metaphorical field of  ‘shadow’: the shadow, infact, connects this character from one side to the autumnal nature of Venice, from the other to the facies nigra of Dürer’s Melancholy. The intent is to highlight Foscarina’s active role inside the novel, and therefore her difference from the other female characters of d’Annunzio. The analysis also aims to show that the two parts of the novel are closely connected through an allegorical and figural relationship, which represents the specific metatextual nature  of this novel.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: Sept. 4, 2015 | Accepted: May 23, 2016 | Published Oct. 31, 2015 | Language: it

Keywords AllegoryVeniceIl FuocoFigural Relationship

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