Series | Lexis Supplements
Volume 14 | Edited book | METra 2

METra 2

Epic and Greek Tragedy: A Mapping
open access | peer reviewed
    edited by
  • Andrea Rodighiero - Università degli Studi di Verona, Italia - email
  • Anna Maganuco - Università degli Studi di Verona, Italia - email
  • Margherita Nimis - Università degli Studi di Verona, Italia - email
  • Giacomo Scavello - Utrecht University, Netherlands - email

Aims & Scope
The volume represents the second ‘chapter’ of the METra research project (Mapping Epic in Tragedy – Epica e tragedia greca: una mappatura), and contains the papers presented during the international workshop METra 2, held in Verona in June 2022. Carrying on with the lines of research whose first results were published in METra 1 (Lexis Supplements 11, 2022), this second collection of essays focuses on further aspects of the Homeric legacy in Attic tragedy. As in the first volume, the papers apply different disciplinary approaches, covering a wide range of topics: from metrical, linguistic, and stylistic features to matters of intertextuality and literary allusiveness, from the cultural, religious, and ethical values of archaic Greece – and their persistence in the classical age – to the ‘dialogue’ between ancient epics and modernity.

Keywords Ulysses Iliad Athena’s name Andromache Funeral rite Anapaests Euripides Dactylo-epitrites Tragic formularity Metaphor Intertextuality Parodos Ethics Tragedy and polis Agency τις-Rede Epics God’s will Odyssey Autocitation Fragments Aeschylus’ Libation Bearers Funeral lament Sophocles Attic tragedy War Lyric Poetry Helen Performance Nikos Kazantzakis Aeschylus Gods Greek tragedy Epic language Oratio recta Modern epic Kunstsprache Aristocratic ideology Epic lexicon Dialogue Persians Ancient Greek Thought Hecuba Drama Ajax Reciprocity Trojan Women Homer Greek prayers Homeric poems Funeral ideology Dactyls

Permalink | ISBN (PRINT) 978-88-6969-759-3 | e-ISSN 978-88-6969-738-8 | Number of pages 290 | Dimensions 16x23cm | Published Dec. 21, 2023 | Language it, en


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