Series |
Library of Rassegna iberistica
Edited book | Mirades afectives sobre la cultura catalana contemporània
Chapter | La ironia com a forma de resiliència: una lectura de la poesia d’Antonina Canyelles
The purpose of this article is to analyze the poetic work of Antonina Canyelles from an approach that is rooted in affective theories. It takes as its starting point the idea of resilience as a form of agency promoted by Cecilia Macón in “Resiliencia como agencia o de la maternidad como desposesión” (2017) and examines the ubiquitous irony in Canyelles’ poetry as a form of resilience that grants agency. First, a review of the generalized impression shared by critics with respect to Antonina Canyelles’ poetic texts is carried out. Then, Cecilia Macón's idea of ‘resilience’, which is opposed to the notion of ‘resistance’, is presented in detail. Afterwards, there is a brief overview of some approaches in the literature to the concept of resilience. Finally, it is proposed to apply the extended approach of Macón’s reflection in Canyelles’ poetry from the understanding of ‘resilience’ as an instrument of activation of the capacity of agency.
Submitted: Nov. 10, 2022 | Accepted: Jan. 21, 2023 | Published Dec. 19, 2023 | Language: ca
Keywords Agency • Resilience • Affect • Antonina Canyelles • Irony
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