I libri di Ca’ Foscari

Series | I libri di Ca’ Foscari
Edited book | Eccellenze cafoscarine nella storia del Dipartimento di Economia
Chapter | Silvio Trentin

Silvio Trentin


Silvio Trentin (San Donà di Piave, 11 November 1885-Monastier di Treviso, 12 March 1944) was an Italian partisan and jurist. He was Professor of public law at Ca’ Foscari. He participated as a volunteer in the First World War. Deputy since 1919, after the advent of fascism he was part of the constitutional opposition with G. Amendola. Forced into exile (1926), he settled in France, where he carried out an intense publicistic activity and militated in the ranks of Justice and Freedom (1929). After taking part in the French clandestine struggle, he returned to Italy in 1943 and participated in the resistance in the Action Party until his arrest in November of the same year. He died in prison.

Open access

Submitted: June 20, 2022 | Published Nov. 14, 2022 | Language: it

Keywords ExileAdministrative lawPublic lawResistanceFederalism

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