Series | Knowledge Hegemonies in the Early Modern World
Monograph | Verifying the Truth on Their Own Terms
Chapter | 4 • The Philosophical Context of the Zeyrek-Ḫocazāde Debate
The philosophical theology of the fifteenth-century Ottoman world combined post-classical Avicennan philosophy (ḥikma) with (mostly Ashʿarite) philosophical theology (kalām). This trend could be observed in Ottoman medrese handbooks, since discussions related to physics, metaphysics, and theology were mostly covered in three key texts belonging to past Perso-Islamic scholars from the Il-Khanid and Timurid courts studied through their commentaries and glosses at the fifteenth-century Ottoman medreses.
Submitted: Sept. 30, 2021 | Accepted: Aug. 23, 2022 | Published March 7, 2023 | Language: en
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