Series | The 24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies
Edited book | Proceedings of the Plenary Sessions
Chapter | A Race Against Time

A Race Against Time

The Impact of Contemporary Environmental and Demographic Changes on the Research of the Historical Geography of Byzantium


In the first part of the article, infrastructural developments, technological progress and demographic changes in the world and in Europe, especially in the Balkan Peninsula, are addressed. This overview is provided in order to contextualise in which way the basis for historic-geographical research of the Byzantine World, conducted by the project Tabula Imperii Byzantini (TIB), has changed since 1966. In the second part of the article strategies are emphasised, how the race against time and the spirit of time should be approached, based on the current research of the TIB Balkans, by applying ‘regressive engineering’, Digital Humanities and Geocommunication.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: Jan. 31, 2022 | Accepted: Feb. 9, 2022 | Published Aug. 22, 2022 | Language: en

Keywords Digital humanitiesBalkansTabula Imperii Byzantini (TIB)Historical geographyGeocommunicationRegressive engineering

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