The Landscape Observatory of Catalonia
Managing and Planning the Landscape with the Communities
In December 2000 the Parliament of Catalonia (Spain) signed the European Landscape Convention (ELC). Five years later, in 2005, Parliament passed the Landscape Protection, Management and Planning Act 8/2005, and the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia was set up as the Generalitat of Catalonia’s assessment body and as a way to create public awareness on landscape. Managing and planning the landscape with the communities is one of the main challenges of the ELC. This paper will explain a short selection of initiatives promoted by the Landscape Observatory or in which the Landscape Observatory is involved, which clearly show that different dimensions of the landscape are generating increasing local interest, as local communities perceive the landscape as a catalyst for development and a way to increase self-esteem, identity and quality of life.
Keywords: Landscape planning • Landscape Observatory • Landscape management • Participation • Community