Library of Rassegna iberistica

Series | Library of Rassegna iberistica
Edited book | Iberian Studies. Dialogues from Italy
Chapter | Avanguardie e Studi Iberici

Avanguardie e Studi Iberici


This chapter aims to study the relationship between Avant-garde and Iberian Studies from a linguistic-semiotic perspective through the mediation of the work Literaturas europeas de vanguardia (1925) by Guillermo de Torre, initiator of the chain of European monographic studies dedicated to the study of avant-garde art. The network of Lusophone Modernisms and Vanguards in Catalan and Castilian, the multicultural and multilingual continuum that takes shape in the Peninsula and that propagates in Latin America, especially in the twenty years 1909-29, can in fact be considered today as a dynamic interletterary and intermedial polysystem.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: Feb. 10, 2021 | Accepted: Feb. 18, 2021 | Published July 5, 2021 | Language: it

Keywords Iberian FuturismsIberian intermedial polysystemAvant-gardeGuillermo de TorreIberian comparative studies

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