Series |
Library of Rassegna iberistica
Edited book | Hispanic Literatures in the Magazines of the Second Half of the Twentieth Century in Italy
Chapter | Le letterature ispaniche nelle riviste della Rai e nel superamento della ‘disseminazione del simbolo’ di Oreste Macrì
In this article I will explore the presence of Spanish literature in the magazines published by ERI for Rai, both originating from national radio broadcasts: L’Approdo Letterario and Terzo Programma. My reflections take place in the perspective of outlining the profile of a wide but not popular reception of literature that emerges from the bibliographic informations contained in the reviews; the main attention will focus on the profound cultural changes between the 1950s and 1960s, when Oreste Macrì collaborated in L’Approdo.
Submitted: July 31, 2020 | Accepted: Sept. 25, 2020 | Published Dec. 10, 2020 | Language: it
Keywords Role of criticism • Italian broadcasts • Expansion of reception • Role of poetry • Hispanic literatures
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