Series |
I libri di Ca’ Foscari
Review | I rapporti internazionali nei 150 anni di storia di Ca’ Foscari
Chapter | La nascita del servizio Erasmus e le post-esperienze dei cafoscarini dal 2008 al 2018
The Erasmus Programme, since its beginnings in 1987, has allowed more than 4 million people to carry out an experience of study or work in Europe, and nowadays is one of the most influential and successful initiatives of the European Union. This has been proven by the Erasmus Impact Study, which in 2014 provided evidence of the fact that this experience had positive all-round outcomes for almost everyone who took part in it. Those who have benefited from an Erasmus scholarship claim to have developed both hard and soft skills during their mobility, and also lead a more international lifestyle nowadays, from a personal and professional point of view. Narrowing the focus to concentrate on former Erasmus students from Ca’ Foscari, these findings are reaffirmed, showing that nearly all the respondents are carrying out an international-related job, 34% of them are currently living abroad and 27% have partners of a different nationality. These findings ultimately show that a proper European generation is taking shape, by means of a democratic and unique initiative.
Published Oct. 20, 2018 | Language: it
Keywords A small 19th century painting by an anonymous Mast • Added to this is a small iconographical mystery: t • Indeed it shows a youth whose expression is at onc • Degas” • These three elements form the basis of the study p
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