Series |
I libri di Ca’ Foscari
Volume | Le discipline economiche e aziendali nei 150 anni di storia di Ca’ Foscari
Chapter | Gino Zappa: il fondatore dell’Economia aziendale
Gino Zappa, eminent Professor at Ca’ Foscari, is known as the founder of the Economia Aziendale – Business Administration – the new scientific discipline which merges accounting, operations and organization into one broader subject. He also deserves to be credited as he introduced the inductive-deductive research method in business administration studies, he devised the income system, he advocated the economic view of the entity’s wealth, thus providing new and modern notions for business firms. The school Gino Zappa founded is very important too. Indeed, his pupils included Aldo Amaduzzi, Lino Azzini, Teodoro D’Ippolito, Carlo Masini, Pietro Onida and Napoleone Rossi, who would be the most relevant accounting scholars of the following period.
Published Oct. 23, 2018 | Language: it
Keywords Business firm • Gino Zappa • Zappa’s followers • Income system • Business Administration
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