I giovani, lavoratori vulnerabili nel contesto europeo
Young people have been the most affected by the social and economic crisis arisen in 2008 and the extension of austerity measures in many European countries. The crisis has certainly reduced the amount of available jobs. Nevertheless, it has also offered an alibi to many employers to reduce the labour costs by offering to young workers unpaid jobs as an alternative to full-time unemployment. Especially in the last decade ‘youth vulnerability’ has become a key concern, thus European governments have provided contrasting answers. Labour market deregulation coexists with the promotion of the ‘employability’ with the result of increasing work precarity and unemployment amongst young people. In this paper, the critical analysis of the social vulnerability will be followed by the enquire on its causes and effects amongst young people.
Keywords: Social vulnerability • Labour market deregulation • Economic crisis • Youth unemployment
permalink: http://doi.org/10.14277/6969-147-8/STS-5-3