Series |
Library of Rassegna iberistica
Edited book | Comic Strip or Comics
Chapter | Transformaciones del cómic en España en el siglo XXI
Comics ceased to be mass media during Postmodernity, and the comic industry has been in suspense since the beginning of new century. Internet and the ICT modelled a growth in the comic sector until 2008, year that marked the start of an unstoppable decrease. The effervescence of the Spanish case was due to the consolidation of media conglomerates as well as new emerging promotion channels. Therefore, today we can detect the most successful comics in the licensed ones and in the adaptations, but also in fumetti with intimate, biographical or social themes. We also ackowledge the crisis of the sector.
Submitted: Sept. 7, 2016 | Language: es
Keywords Spanish comics • Comic industry • Financial crisis • Reading habits
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