Series |
Studi di storia
Edited book | The Reception and Application of the Encyclical Pascendi
Chapter | Le relazioni dei vescovi italiani a norma dell’enciclica Pascendi
The Italian bishops’ reports in observance of Pius X’s directions included in the encyclical Pascendi that have been found until now are 47. The essay sights to analyse the answers of the Italian episcopacy to the Pope’s order to monitor the presence of Modernism in their dioceses and to explain the reasons of the exiguous number of reports sent to the Holy See. In the compliant forms drafted by the bishops the ‘multiform heresy’ was diligently condemned but at the same time said to be far from being present in the diocesan territory. Both the fear to convey the suspect of being someway modernist and the firm belief of the danger represented by the dissemination of modernist ideas are reflected in the Italian bishops’ Pascendi reports.
Submitted: Jan. 5, 2017 | Published March 29, 2017 | Language: it
Keywords Anti-Modernism • Italian bishops • Pascendi
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