L’identità europea come spazio culturale-politico: oltre i limiti della cittadinanza UE?
The European identity debate has deeper historical roots than the ones the euro – sceptic tendency tries to impose to the public opinion. Moving from this introductory consideration, the critical concept of European citizenship as related to the notion of «European political space» as theorized by CJEU Advocate General Maduro in the Rottmann case is analysed. Once the most in- novative aspects of the institute of the European citizenship (understood as citizenship of the Union), but also its limits, have been tested, the analysis focuses on the idea of ‘cultural citizenship’: the legal foundations are thus investigated and so the di erent features of the European cultural policy, going into the notion of ‘Europe as a common cultural resource’. The investigation makes evidence of the contradictory outcomes of this lane of research. The focal point, then, deals with an ample notion of ‘citizenship of Europe’, to the extent that two Council of Europe’s Conventions have influenced that notion: the European Landscape Convention (or Florence Convention) and the Convention on the value of cultural heritage for society (or Faro Convention). Indeed, the notions of «common herit- age of Europe» (Art. 3) and of «heritage community» (Art. 2b Faro Convention) open to the idea of a ‘European political and cultural space’, into which to identify, at least roughly, the object, the spatial continuum, and the subjective profiles of an evolving European identity.
Keywords: Citizens of Europe • EU citizenship • European identity • Common cultural resource • EU cukltural policy
permalink: http://doi.org/10.14277/6969-052-5/SE-3-7