Series | Sinica venetiana
Volume 2 | Edited book | The Chinese Language: Variations on a Theme

The Chinese Language: Variations on a Theme

open access
    edited by
  • Federico Greselin - Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia - email orcid profile

Its is presented here a collection of ten essays, on linguistic topics in the broadest sense, which aim to illustrate peculiarities and connotations of the Chinese language in different fields and modes of use. Scritti da sinologi il cui campo di specializzazione spazia dalla linguistica alla critica letteraria, dai cultural studies ai processi comunicativi, i contributi intendono mettere a fuoco alcuni importanti aspetti del variegato declinarsi degli usi linguistici nella cultura cinese. The work has been subdivided into four sections - Language and Linguistics, Language and Literature, Language and Media, Language and Socio-cultural Patterns, each collecting essays referring to a common field of research, so as to contribute to compose, from different perspectives, the complex mosaic of knowledge indispensable for understanding China and its civilisation.

Keywords Linguistic inferenceChinese literatureMainland China and TaiwanCultural studiesLexical innovationSign languagesCognitive linguisticsMandarin ChineseEtymologyChinese colour termsFictional plausibilityConsecutive interpretingTang proseLinguistic innovationMedical anthropologyChinese languageLate Qing science fictionCinema and other mediaLinguistic variationWord orderMediaAdvertisingTranslation studiesChinese semantics

Permalink | e-ISBN 978-88-6969-040-2 | ISBN (PRINT) 978-88-6969-042-6 | Published Nov. 1, 2015 | Language it