Lexis Supplements Lexis Studies in Greek and Latin Literature | Lexis Ancient Philosophy |
Lexis Sources, Texts and Commentaries

Series | Lexis Supplements
Volume 2 | Edited book | Cassius Dio and the Principate

Cassius Dio and the Principate

open access | peer reviewed
    edited by
  • Christopher Burden-Strevens - University of Kent, UK - email
  • Jesper Majbom Madsen - Syddansk Universitet, Danmark - email
  • Antonio Pistellato - Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia - email orcid profile


In the Imperial books of his Roman History, Cassius Dio focuses on individual emperors and imperial institutions to promote a political framework for the ideal monarchy, and to theorise autocracy’s typical problems and their solutions. The distinctive narrative structure of Dio’s work creates a unique sense of the past and allows us to see Roman history through a specific lens: that of a man who witnessed the Principate from the Antonines to the Severans. When Dio was writing, the Principate was a full-fledged historical fact, having experienced more than two hundred years of history, good and bad emperors, and three major civil wars. This collection of seven essays sets out to address these issues, and to see Dio not as an ‘adherent’ to or ‘advocate’ of monarchy, but rather as a theorist of its development and execution.

Keywords Septimius SeverusElagabalusAugustusCiceroStoicismDynastic successionPrincipateMacrinusCassius Dio’s contemporary historyIdeal emperorIdeal GovernmentPolitical structureVirtueImperatorSeveran dynastyMixed Constitution TheoryConsiliumAncient RomePertinaxCivilitas PrincipisIron ageCommodus and PertinaxCaligula and ClaudiusMonarchyVespasianSenateImperial HistoriographyRoman HistoryEmperor-Senate relationshipsThe Flavian dynastyCaesarCaracallaCassius DioDomitianContemporary historiographyTitus

Permalink http://doi.org/10.30687/978-88-6969-472-1 | e-ISBN 978-88-6969-472-1 | ISBN (PRINT) 978-88-6969-473-8 | Number of pages 188 | Dimensions 16x23cm | Published Dec. 21, 2020 | Language it, en

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