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La distribuzione “vigilata” dei cosmetici nel mercato unico. Aspetti contrattuali

Carmelita Camardi    Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia    



A new european Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 on Cosmetic products provides a complete system of consumer protection, product traceability and market surveillance. In this context, a “responsible person” established in the Community shall be designated for each product placed on the market, in order to ensure compliance of the products with the rules set out in the Regulation. Also, the Regulation provides that distributors and all other persons involved in the supply chain are partially responsible for ensuring compliance with requirements relating to human health, safety and consumer information. The article analyses the impact of new Regulation on the supply chains organisation and the distribution contracts clauses, in a competition law perspective, considering previous European Court of Justice and European Commission decisions in this field.

June 27, 2014
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