MDCCC 1800

Journal | MDCCC 1800
Journal issue | 4 | 2015
Research Article | «Frammenti di porfido e serpentino»

«Frammenti di porfido e serpentino»

Giacomo Boni e Giorgio Franchetti: contrasti per il reimpiego di marmi antichi a Venezia tra Otto e Novecento


The relationship between the Venetian archaeologist Giacomo Boni and the important collector Giorgio Franchetti is an important part of the debate about restoration and preservation in Venice in the last years of the 19th century. Some new letters and written statements are useful to show how different Boni and Franchetti’s perspectives were about reusing ancient marbles for the modern mosaics of the Basilica of Saint Mark’s and of the Ca’ d’Oro palace.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Published July 1, 2015 | Language: it

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