Journal |
MDCCC 1800
Journal issue | 1 | 2012
Research Article | Theodor Mommsen's Trip to Italy in 1867
This article reports on the trip that Theodor Mommsen made to Northern Italy from April to October 1867. Mommsen spent seven months in Eastern Lombardy and the Veneto, in order to perform the autopsy of the Roman inscriptions that were to be published in the first part of the fifth volume of the «Corpus inscriptionum Latinarum» (1872). From April to early July 1867, he was based in Verona and visited Brescia, Mantua and Cremona as well as smaller places in the countryside. In mid-July, he moved to Padua and made excursions to Adria, Este, Rovigo, Vicenza, Venice, Treviso, Ferrara, Belluno, Feltre, Udine and Aquileia. In late September, he went westward and revisited Brescia, Bergamo and the western shores of Lake Garda. He then proceeded to Central Lombardy and stayed at Milan, Pavia and Como. He finally left for Paris via Turin. A table at the end of the article offers an overview of the epigraphic surveys carried out by Mommsen for the first part of cil, 5 («Regio Italiae decima»). The article also provides some hints about Mommsen’s view of politics, economy and society in contemporary Italy.
Published July 25, 2012 | Language: it
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