Medieval and Modern Philologies

Series | Medieval and Modern Philologies
Volume 4 | Monograph | Boethius in Dante

Boethius in Dante

The Consolatio philosophiae in the Poet’s Desk

open access
  • Luca Lombardo - Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Italia - email

Boethius’ Consolatio philosophiae exerted its influence on Dante’s work, particularly as a poetic paradigm. Indications of Boethius’ reminiscence emerge from the per loci examination of Dante’s writings, conducted through a contrastive intertextual approach. The assiduous comparison of the ancient commentators of the Commedia and the recourse to the medieval exegesis of the Consolatio make it possible to understand the extent of Dante’s actual reception of the Boetian prosimeter and the systematic borrowing of narrative, morphosyntactic and rhetorical-stylistic elements from his model.

Permalink | e-ISBN 978-88-97735-51-9 | ISBN (PRINT) 978-88-97735-69-4 | Published Dec. 31, 2013 | Language it

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